Finding Your Purpose by Victor Botto

The majority of us are not living a purpose-driven life. This is not by choice but rather by the environment and upbringing that we have had. Meaning that we are unhappy and unfulfilled with what we are doing and what we have accomplished. Many of us are showing up to jobs we do not like and reporting to bosses who are bringing out the worst in us.

Martin Luther King Junior called purpose, Finding Your Lifes Blueprint. We have to go back to the creation story and see what is Gods purpose for humanity.

Creation Story – Genesis

God in Genesis created Adam and gave him three (3) tasks according to Genesis 1:28;

  1. Be fruitful and increase in number
  2. Fill the earth and subdue it
  3. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.

As you can see we are to be fruitful from day one. Being fruitful means manifesting our gifts. When you bring forth your gift, it will bring out your purpose.

God wired us for success from the beginning. Our unique gifts will make each and every one of us live a purpose-driven life.

What is Purpose?

Dr Myles Monroe defines purpose as the reason why a thing was created. This is in line with the Oxford dictionary which defines purpose as the intention, aim, or function of something; the thing that something is supposed to achieve.

How to Know if You are Living Your Purpose

Ask yourself the following questions;

  1. I am doing what I was born to do?
  2. Am I feeling fulfilled and happy with what I do on a daily basis?
  3. If I had my Life to Live Again would I have done more than what have done thus far? If the answer is YES, then it means what we accomplish and what we become are a fraction of what our full potential is.

If you wake up every morning and you do not feel like what you are going to accomplish is meaningful, you are probably not living up to your purpose.

How to Find Your Purpose

I do not claim to know or to have a silver bullet for you to find your purpose, but below are some pointers which can help you find your purpose;

  1. Read Your Bible and Pray Every day. (GOD will reveal your purpose if you are a believer)
  2. Find what you love doing with the least amount of effort. (This is your Gift)
  3. Discover what makes you happy and energized when you wake up in the morning.
  4. Listen and Read Motivational and Inspiring content as often as you can.
  5. Avoid Negativity and Negative People in Your Life.
  6. Take full responsibility for everything that happens to You (No Blame Games)
  7. Be a Student of Life – Learn as much as you can.
  8. Get a family to support and care for.
  9. Write down your goals and work towards them.

 What Finding Your Purpose Does

When you find your purpose you will feel more alive and accomplished each and every day. Life will take on a new meaning and you will rarely have a dull moment. You will also feel more philanthropic and willing to share the love with others.

God bless you on your journey to finding your purpose.

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Victor Botto

Victor is a Passionate Business Leader who is dedicating his life to help others reach their Full Potential. Need more details? Please check the About section of the website


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